Kathy Rauch, RN, MSHQS, BSN, CPHQ, Vice President, Quality Advocacy, Research and Innovation, & Post-acute and Continuing Care, HANYS
krauch@hanys.org | 518.431.7718
Cathleen Wright, DNS, RN, Director, Statewide Hospital Quality Improvement, HANYS
cwright@hanys.org | 716.474.9586
Elizabeth Perry, Manager, Project Coordination, HANYS
eperry@hanys.org | 518.431.7777
Lindsay Milchteim, Manager, Projects and Education, HANYS
lmilchte@hanys.org | 516.686.6935
Ken Graves, Director, IS Software Development, HANYS
kgraves@hanys.org | 518.431.7720
Lisa Pink, Communications Coordinator, HANYS
lpink@hanys.org | 518.431.7763
John Brady, Strategic Planning and Organizational Performance/CFO, Connecticut Hospital Association
brady@chime.org | 203.294.7201
Luellyn Valtin, MHL, CPPS, CPHRM, CPHQ, Senior Director of Rural Quality Improvement, Foundation for Healthy Communities
lvaltin@healthynh.org | 603.415.4274
Kris Hering, MSN, RN, NE-BC, FACHE, Vice President of Quality Improvement, Foundation for Healthy Communities
khering@healthynh.org | 603.415.4271
Shelby Lassiter, BSN, RN, CPHQ, Director, Clinical Improvement, North Carolina Healthcare Foundation
slassiter@ncha.org | 919.677.4134 office | 919.815.7298 cell
Yvonne Mosley, BS, CSSBB, CPHQ, CPPS, Performance Improvement Specialist, Clinical Improvement, North Carolina Healthcare Foundation
ymosley@ncha.org | 919.677.4121
Catherine Fulton, BS, MS, CPHQ, Executive Director, Vermont Program for Quality in Health Care
catherinef@vpqhc.org | 802.229.2449
Mary McQuiggan, LICSW, Quality Improvement Specialist, Vermont Program for Quality in Health Care
marym@vpqhc.org | 802.262.1303
Lyndsay Sykes, MS, RN, CNL, Quality Improvement Specialist, Vermont Program for Quality in Health Care
lyndsays@vpqhc.org | 802.229.2759
Emma Harrigan, Director, Policy Analysis and Development, Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems
emma@vahhs.org | 802.777.9741
Jim Kranz, Vice President, Quality and Data Services, West Virginia Hospital Association
jkranz@wvha.org | 304.353.9712
Hallie Morgan, Director, Data Analysis, West Virginia Hospital Association
hmorgan@wvha.org | 304.353.9714