2-3 p.m.
EQIC is hosting a webinar to review the registration options and process for the upcoming Culture of Safety Survey this fall. Staff also will cover unit-level data preparation and submission, survey promotion and post-survey reports. Registration for the Culture of Safety Survey begins in July.
EQIC will be offering the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture® (Culture of Safety Survey) Core Version 2.0, the Value and Efficiency Supplemental Item Set, and the Health Information Technology Patient Safety Supplemental Item Set. The survey will be exclusively electronic, accessible by computer, tablet or cell phone, with English and Spanish versions available. All hospitals, regardless of participation level, will be asked to register. During the webinar, the registration process will be reviewed in detail.
At the time of registration, hospitals will be asked to submit the following vital information:
EQIC recommends that your key liaison, designated culture of safety liaison, quality management team and department managers involved in the process attend this webinar.
Jenna Winokur, Project Manager, HANYS
Alyssa Dahl, MPH, CPH, Director of Informatics, DataGen
Melissa Bauer, Senior Healthcare Informatics Analyst, DataGen
Cathleen Wright, DNS, RN, Director, Statewide Hospital Quality Improvement Eastern US Quality Improvement Collaborative (EQIC)
June 30, 2021