The EQIC contract ended on Sept. 17. This website is no longer regularly maintained but contains many tools, resources and recordings from our programming that will be accessible through June 2025.

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Health equity

Health equity is achieved when everyone can attain their full potential for health and well-being. EQIC supports hospitals and health systems to advance health equity by:

  • improving the collection of standardized race, ethnicity, preferred language and other patient demographics;
  • using and stratifying REaL data to better inform patient-centered care and targeted QI interventions to eliminate health disparities; and
  • applying cross-cutting, equity-focused strategies at the unit level to reduce harm and promote safety across the board.


Toolkits and guidelines

Publications and reports

AHRQ’s National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports and Chartbooks provide the latest available findings on the quality of and access to healthcare, including disparities related to race and ethnicity, income and social determinants of health.

The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion’s Health equity and health disparities environmental scan explores how health equity and health disparities are defined and communicated within the field of public health.

Data collection and use

REaL data

Sexual orientation and gender identity data

Social determinants of health and screening for social needs

Cultural competence

Language and literacy

Community partnerships