The EQIC contract ended on Sept. 17. This website is no longer regularly maintained but contains many tools, resources and recordings from our programming that will be accessible through June 2025.

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EQIC health equity readmissions measures help to understand which patient groups are more likely to be readmitted, as studies show certain patient-level factors—such as race—may be predictors of readmission risk and readmissions. By stratifying 30-day readmission rates by race, populations at higher risk for readmission can be identified to implement equity-focused interventions. When reviewing this data, refer to the CMS Guide to Reducing Disparities in Readmissions for best practice guidance and recommendations on using data to drive improvement and reduce readmissions among diverse populations.

Special report: Health equity

EQIC’s health equity reports provide potential areas for improvement in REaL data quality and information on the communities your hospital serves. Data sources include the American Community Survey and hospital-submitted claims data. These reports are available in the special reports tab of the secure data portal.

Access the EQIC methodology guide and measurement grid on our data portal homepage and log in to see how your hospital is performing on these measures.